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​*equal contributions

17) Frye BM*, Negrey JD*, Johnson CSC, Kim J, Barcus RA, Lockhart SN, Whitlow CT, Chiou KL, Snyder-Mackler N, Montine TJ, Craft S, Shively CA, and Register TC (2024). Mediterranean diet protects against a neuroinflammatory cortical transcriptome: Associations with brain volumetrics, peripheral inflammation, social isolation, and anxiety in nonhuman primates (Macaca fascicularis). Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 119: 681-692.

Negrey JD*, Frye BM*, Craft S, Register TC, Baxter MG, Jorgensen MJ, and Shively CA (2024). Executive function mediates age-related variation in social integration in female vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus sabaeus)GeroScience 46(1): 841-852.

15) Trumble B, Negrey J, Koebele SV, Thompson RC, Wann S, Allam AH, Beheim B, Sutherland ML, Sutherland JD, Eid Rodriguez D, Michalik DE, Rowan CJ, Lombardi GP, Garcia AR, Cummings DK, Seabright E, Alami S, Kraft TS, Hooper P, Buetow K, Irimia A, Gatz M, Stieglitz J, Gurven MD, Kaplan H, and Thomas GS (2023). Testosterone is positively associated with coronary artery calcium in a low cardiovascular disease risk population. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 11(1): 472-484.

14) Wood BM, Negrey JD, Brown JL, Deschner T, Emery Thompson M, Gunter S, Mitani JC, Watts DP, and Langergraber KE (2023). Demographic and hormonal evidence for menopause in wild chimpanzees. Science 382(6669): eadd5473.
13) Negrey JD, Deschner T, and Langergraber KE (2023). Lean muscle mass, not aggression, mediates a link between dominance rank and testosterone in wild male chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour 202: 99-109.

12) Shively CA, Frye BM, Negrey JD, Johnson CSC, Sutphen CL, Molina AJ, Yadav H, Snyder-Mackler N, and Register TC (2023). The interactive effects of psychosocial stress and diet composition on h
ealth in primates. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 152: 105320.

11) Sandel AA, Negrey JD, Arponen M, Clark IR, Clift JB, Reddy RB, and Ivaska KK (2023). The evolution of the adolescent growth spurt: urinary biomarkers of bone turnover in wild chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution 177: 103341.

10) Negrey JD, Dobbins DL, Howard TD, Borgmann-Winter KE, Hahn C, Kalinin S, Feinstein DL, Craft S, Shively CA, and Register TC (2022). Transcriptional profiles in olfactory pathway-associated brain regions of vervets: Associations with age and Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology. Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 8(1): e12358. (PMC open access)

Negrey JD, Emery Thompson M, Dunn CD, Otali E, Wrangham RW, Mitani JC, Machanda ZP, Muller MN, Langergraber KE, and Goldberg TL (2022). Female reproduction and viral infection in a long-lived mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 91(10): 1999-2009. (PMC open access)

8) Negrey JD, Mitani JC, Wrangham RW, Otali E, Reddy RB, Pappas TE, Grindle KA, Gern JE, Machanda ZP, Muller MN, Langergraber KE, Emery Thompson M, and Goldberg TL (2022). Viruses associated with ill health in wild chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology 84(2): e23358.

7) Negrey JD, Behringer V, Langergraber KE, and Deschner T (2021). Urinary neopterin of wild chimpanzees indicates that cell-mediated immune activity varies by age, sex, and female reproductive status. Scientific Reports 11(1): 9298. (PMC open access)
6) Sandel AA, Rushmore J, Negrey JD, Mitani JC, Lyons DM, and Caillaud D  (2020). Social network predicts exposure to respiratory infection in a wild chimpanzee group. EcoHealth 17: 437-448. (PMC open access)

5) Negrey JD, Emery Thompson ME, Langergraber KE, Machanda ZP, Mitani JC, Muller MN, Otali E, Owens LA, Wrangham RW, and Goldberg TL (2020). Demography, life history trade-offs, and the gastrointestinal virome of wild chimpanzees. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375(1811): 20190613. (PMC open access)

4) Negrey JD, Sandel AA, and Langergraber KE (2020). Dominance rank and the presence of sexually receptive females predict feces-measured body temperature in male chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(1): 5. (PMC open access)

3) Negrey JD and Langergraber KE (2020). Corpse-directed play parenting by a sterile adult female chimpanzee. Primates 61(1): 29-34. (PMC open access)

2) Negrey JD, Reddy RB, Scully EJ, Phillips-Garcia S, Owens L, Langergraber KE, Mitani J, Emery Thompson M, Wrangham RW, Muller MN, Otali E, Machanda Z, Hyeroba D, Grindle KA, Pappas TE, Palmenberg AC, Gern JE, and Goldberg TL (2019). Simultaneous outbreaks of respiratory disease in wild chimpanzees caused by distinct viruses of human origin. Emerging Microbes and Infections 8(1): 139-149. (PMC open access)

1) Behringer V, Deimel C, Hohmann G, Negrey J, Schaebs FS, and Deschner T (2018). Applications for non-invasive thyroid hormone measurements in mammalian ecology, growth, and maintenance. Hormones and Behavior 105: 66-85.

18) Reddy RB, Samuni L, Sandel AA, Clark IR, Langergraber KE, Derby RN, Finkel BJ, Lee KC, Mitani JC, Negrey J, Sarkar A, Watts DP, Zeng T, and Henrich J (2024). Prestige in chimpanzees: learning through social relationships across the lifespan. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Los Angeles, CA, USA. (Podium.)


17) Frye BM, Negrey JD, Craft S, Register TC, Baxter MG, Jorgensen MJ, Kim J, Barcus RA, Lockhart SN, Whitlow CT, and Shively CA (2023). Relationships between AD-related neuroanatomy and cognitive, physical, and social aging in vervet monkeys. Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2023, Amsterdam, NL. (Poster.)


16) Frye BM, Negrey JD, Nagpal R, Kim J, Barcus RA, Lockhart SN, Whitlow CT, Tooze JA, Yadav H, Craft SM, Register TC, and Shively CA (2023). Mediterranean versus Western diet and the gut-brain axis: Diet-induced links between gut Oscillospira abundance, plasma branched-chain amino acid concentrations and insulin resistance, and change in white matter volumes in nonhuman primates. Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2023, Amsterdam, NL. (Poster.)
15) Shively CA, Negrey JD, Frye BM, Johnson CSC, Kim J, Barcus RA, Lockhart SN, Whitlow CT, Chiou KL, Snyder-Mackler N, Montine TJ, Craft S, and Register TC (2023). Mediterranean diet protects against neuroinflammation and degeneration in female nonhuman primates. Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2023, Amsterdam, NL. (Poster.)


14) Negrey JD, Deschner T, and Langergraber KE (2023). Revisiting the "challenge hypothesis": Muscle mass, not aggression, mediates an association between testosterone and dominance rank in wild male chimpanzees. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV, USA. (Podium.)


13) Sandel AA, Reddy RB, and Negrey JD (2023). Adolescence is a distinct life history stage: Insights from chimpanzee growth and social behavior. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV, USA. (Podium.)


12) Negrey JD and Langergraber KE (2022). Social status predicts mortality and physiological parameters during an outbreak of acute respiratory disease in wild male chimpanzees. 44th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Denver, CO, USA. (Podium.)


11) Negrey JD, Frye BM, Craft S, Register TC, Jorgensen MJ, Bissinger DW, Scott CL, Copeland CN, Register HM, Valure P, Wise-Walden S, and Shively CA (2022). Social, physical, and cognitive aging in captive female vervets (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus). 44th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Denver, CO, USA. (Podium.)


10) Register T, Howard T, Kitzman D, Shively C, Jorgenson M, Negrey J, Kritchevsky S, and Carr J (2022). Functional and genomic profiling of heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissues in a primate model of aging. 50th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association, San Antonio, TX, USA. (Poster.)


9) Huber H, Cox L, Nathanielsz P, Negrey J, Ross C, Salmon A, and Shively C (2022). Primary data for longevity of nonhuman primate species common to biomedical research. 50th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association, San Antonio, TX, USA. (Poster.)


8) Negrey JD, Dobbins DL, Howard TD, Borgmann-Winter KE, Hahn C, Kalinin C, Feinstein DL, Shively CA, and Register TC (2022). Transcriptional profiling of the aging primate brain: Age and neuropathology-associated transcripts in olfactory pathway brain regions of vervets. 50th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association, San Antonio, TX, USA. (Poster.)


7) Negrey JD, Emery Thompson M, Langergraber KE, Machanda ZP, Mitani JC, Muller MN, Otali E, Reddy RB, Wrangham RW, and Goldberg TL (2022). Viral infection and life history trade-offs in wild chimpanzees. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Denver, CO, USA. (Podium.)


6) Negrey JD (2019). Immunofunction and reproductive effort in wild chimpanzees: Noninvasive field evidence for immunomodulation by gonadal steroids. 16th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, DeKalb, IL, USA. (Podium.)


5) Goldberg TL, Basnet S, Emery-Thompson M, Gern JE, Grindle KA, Langengraber KE, Machanda Z, Mitani JC, Muller MM, Negrey JD, Otali E, Owens L, Palmenberg AC, Pappas TE, Phillips-Garcia S, Reddy RB, Scully EJ, and Wrangham RW (2019). Chimpanzee reverse zoonoses: Unfortunate natural experiments in great ape comparative medicine and demography. 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH, USA. (Podium.)


4) Negrey JD, Langergraber KE, and Knott CD (2018). Measuring wild chimpanzee body temperature from fecal deposits. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX, USA. (Podium.)


3) Negrey JD, Sandel AA, and Langergraber KE (2016). Transmission of respiratory disease in the Ngogo chimpanzees: A social network analysis. 26th Congress of the International Primatological Society, Chicago, IL, USA. (Podium.)


2) Friend AN, Negrey JD, and Marchant LF (2013). Ethological study of manual laterality in sanctuary chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville, TN, USA. (Poster.)


1) Negrey JD (2011). Mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) long calls: Effects of habitat-dependent acoustic influences. 8th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA. (Poster.)

© 2024 by Jacob D. Negrey

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